The Orthotic Education and Training Trust (OETT) was originally set up by the Department of Health and the British Surgical Trades Association, in partnership with the British Institute of Surgical Technologists, to provide a private fund for the training and education of Orthotists. The income was substantially derived from a levy on orthotic device sales to the NHS. This levy ceased when the training of Orthotists progressed to degree courses funded directly by government within the state higher education system.
The Trustees now manage the investment income derived from the levy funds as its only source of income. Their focus currently is on postgraduate training and education. The object of the Trust as defined by its deed is to fund firstly, the education and training of Orthotists, Orthotic Technicians and Orthotic Managers and secondly, the training of Technicians concerning surgical and medical appliances and devices (i.e. orthotic devices).
Application forms for Funding can be found on the OETT website
As general guidance, the following should be noted, although each case is treated individually and exceptions may be made (this is by no means an exhaustive list):
1. Short Courses and Workshops
Applications for reimbursement of attendance on short courses (duration of three weeks or less) must be submitted using the online funding application form on the OETT website
The course fee, plus travel and accommodation, will normally be reimbursed.
It is requested that all claims are routinely submitted on completion of the short course; unduly late applications for reimbursement will only be made at the discretion of the Trustees. You may also apply before attending a course.
2. Postgraduate Training/Study
For applications relating to postgraduate training, in principle, currently 67% of the funding needed may be provided. This is also the case for travelling fellowships to study at overseas centres of excellence and for research training fellowships.
3. Conferences and Seminars
For conferences, a limited number of places may be funded (fee, plus travel and accommodation up to a specified limit), on a first come, first served principle. In return for such funding, the participants are required to make a report available after the event that can be widely disseminated and may be posted on the Trust’s website
Exceptions to the guidance for Conferences and Seminars are the annual BAPO Conference in the UK, and the ISPO Conferences, where the Trustees provide sponsorship for an orthotic speaker, rather than support for delegates attending these events.
4. Continuing Professional Development Visits
Applications for visits to Centres of Excellence, to enable continuing development in particular aspects of orthotics, will be considered on individual merit.
5. Technician Transfer Scheme and Support of Mature Students
For Orthotic Technicians and for mature students wishing to undertake the degree course, some funding may be provided, if their costs cannot be met through normal channels such as student loans and university bursaries.
6. Administration of Applications for Funding
It is advisable that all Applicants should carefully read the Important points for Applications to OETT before making their application for funding or cost reimbursement.
All applications for funding of education and training outlined above must be submitted using the online funding application form.
All applications must be supported by all requested documentation, and specifically a CPD Portfolio form or equivalent.
c/o British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists (BAPO)
Clyde Offices
2nd Floor
48 West George Street
G2 1BP
Tel: 0141 561 7217
Opening Hours:
Mon – Thurs: 9:00am – 4:00pm
Fri: 9:00am – 12 midday